Our insights let you raise the bar on your competitive insights
Today, Unacast announces an exciting update to our Insights location analytics software: the ability to compare venues. Historically, this has been a cat and mouse game of gathering various venue data, contextualizing it, and acting on insights. With our newest offering, Unacast gets you a step ahead of your competitors by providing comparative insights faster and easier, all powered by best-in-class location data.

Now you can closely monitor and benchmark your foot traffic against any store or brand, whether it’s yours or a competitor. Explore trends in visitation, demographics, capture rate, area traffic, and local trade areas of multiple locations. Get an even deeper understanding by contrasting psychographic segmentation data from Spatial.ai’s PersonaLiveTM all within the Insights platform.

Acknowledging that competitive benchmarking is a carefully crafted balance between being fast and accurate, Unacast’s data analytics and insights are built on far more than just GPS-based data supply. We take into account historical visitation patterns, weather, and more than 40 other features, making it robust and resilient data supply changes in the future. Our location intelligence is powered by machine learning, and when validated against ground truth data, Unacast’s models recorded an R-squared of 91.6% higher, widely considered to be best-in-class.

In order to stay ahead of the competition, the path towards smarter decisions needs to be easier and faster. Our compare venues feature provides the insights you need so that you can make informed decisions with less effort.