Trade Area Data

Identify your true trade areas by looking at the home and work origins of your visitors and how they change over time.

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How customers use our Trade Area Data

Customers leverage Trade Area Data to validate investment decisions and inform key business functions, including:

Competitive intelligence

Identify which areas are saturated with competitors, and which ones present untapped opportunities for brand investment.

Measuring Marketing Campaigns

Validate whether marketing campaigns are directly correlated with an increase in customer visits from target neighborhoods.

Site Selection

Reduce the risks of opening your new store by targeting the right consumers at the right place, ensuring accessibility both for local residents and neighboring visitors.

Customer Insights

Measure customer loyalty from various neighborhoods with insights into changing visitor patterns around your store.

Distance From Home and Local Trade Area illustration


What you can get with Trade Area Data:

trade areas illustration


What are your trade areas?

Use your customers’ home and work zip codes to identify trade areas.

trade areas distance illustration


What is your trade area distance?

Determine how far people travel to visit your business or your competitors.

Utilize trade areas illustration

Stay Ahead

Utilize trade areas to zero in on opportunities

Reveal oversaturated or high profitability locations in your market. 

Attract your ideal audience illustration


Attract your ideal audience

Personalize your marketing to target and refine campaigns.

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bird's eye view of the city