Using Real-World Data for Customer Lifecycle Marketing

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The way customers are interacting with brands has fundamentally changed. Marketers now have to make sure that they adapt their customer lifecycle marketing strategy to meet new customer expectations. In the past, the customer lifecycle posed its own challenges but marketing teams could rely on analyzing the previous year’s data to identify pain points within the customer journey.

In 2024, businesses need to adjust their customer lifecycle strategy to keep up with changes in consumer behavior trends. Location intelligence can provide brands with the information they need to exceed expectations at every stage of the customer lifecycle.

Awareness and Education

Brands can use our latest advertising audiences to reach consumers who visited particular chains within the last few months.

Before marketers can begin with the first steps of the customer lifecycle (awareness and education), they have to find the right audience.

A brand can’t expect to build brand awareness without knowing who its audience is. For example, an active swimwear brand that sends ads to consumers who visited a diving or surf shop once wouldn’t be very useful. It would be more effective for the active swimwear brand to send ads to consumers who frequently visit dive and surf shops.

Insights from location intelligence can help brands determine their ideal audience so that their awareness and education campaigns are more likely to take the customer to the next stage in the customer journey: purchase.

Purchase and Retention

What leads customers to purchase from a brand? More often than not, it comes down to a customer needing to meet a specific need. If a family is expecting, their motivation to buy a bigger car or a bigger house is the new baby on the way. Brands could use insights from real-world consumer insights to motivate their customers to purchase a product.

The swimwear brand from the example above knows that their audience is consumers who frequent dive and surf shops and also have an interest in recreational water sports. A potential customer’s motivation to buy could be saving money by purchasing high-quality swimwear that can withstand daily use.

Location intelligence can show brands what their customers’ motivations are by watching where they shop the most. If customers frequent family planning stores, are visiting open houses, and are frequenting car dealerships, then it could be surmised that they are expecting a new family member, and therefore would be more motivated to purchase from a brand if their offering suits their needs. This is where accurate data about how customers move around in the world becomes invaluable to brands. It can take a saturated customer base, and narrow it down to those who would be the most likely to convert into paying customers.

After that initial purchase, the brand must ensure that it keeps its customers coming back for more.  Encouraging customers to become brand advocates heavily relies on creating a winning customer experience.

Customer Loyalty: Turning One-Time Purchasers into Brand Advocates

A great customer loyalty program, an impeccable in-store and online customer experience, and a true understanding of what customers want are all important elements of inciting loyalty in customers. Location intelligence can help brands create the perfect data-driven loyalty program for their customer base by giving them an understanding of their customer’s preferences and interests. This means that customers will be more likely to engage with the program if it is customized for them.

By using quality data, brands can determine how to improve their customer experience. Location intelligence is the key to successfully mapping out and accomplishing every step in the customer lifecycle in 2021.

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