With issues like supply fluctuation, location data can be more difficult to work with than ever before. But what if things didn’t have to be this way? Today, Unacast’s popular machine learning methodology extends to apply to over 1.5 million points of interest (POIs), and includes more metrics like trade area data and demographics. This means cleaner location data that makes your job easier.
This expansion of our machine learning visitation datasets allows you to explore millions of POIs, neighborhoods, and census block groups (CBGs). You can understand the home and work locations of visitors to those POIs, and their demographic mix. It also enables the flexibility to work with custom boundaries, using machine learning to gather the data you need for the locations you care about. Now the data you want is more accessible than ever.

Unacast goes one step further by taking the updates made to our machine learning datasets and bringing them to our Unacast Insights location intelligence software. Our Insights platform now provides instant analytics and visualizations to an additional 1 million POIs as well as customer-defined custom boundaries. Just as Unacast removes the need for additional data cleaning and organizing, we continue to develop our Insights platform in a way that removes the extra work, leaving you with only the insights you need.

With Insights, you choose the POI or customize your own boundary and we instantly provide you with a deeper understanding of your location with rich features like Spatial.ai’s PersonaLive™ psychographic segmentation data and generative AI summaries. No matter your location data needs, our easy-to-use tool makes the path to smarter decisions easier and faster. Plus, our datasets are built with a privacy-first mindset, so you can always have peace of mind when working with our data.

Unacast’s data analytics and insights are built on far more than just GPS-based data supply, but also take into account historical visitation patterns, weather, and more than 40 other features, making it robust and resilient to changes to data supply in the future. Our location intelligence is powered by proprietary machine learning, and when validated against ground truth data, Unacast’s models recorded an R-squared of 91.6% higher, widely considered to be best-in-class.
Unacast is committed to understanding how people move around on the planet by harnessing the power of location data. We’re building a future where precise and verified human mobility data helps organizations do well and do good.
To work with location data that actually makes your life easier, book a meeting now.